Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Practical Rescue Management course at the Blue Lagoon – 27th March 2022

Waves Shape

Book a Try Dive

We offer Try Dives every Thursday evening at the Wycombe Leisure Centre (LC) with one weeks notice to book.

We rent one half of the LC pool every Thursday evening for members and training, so plenty of room to have a lovely little pootle around under water in a very safe environment.

The session starts at around 20:30 and finish at around 23.00 (exit the pool around 22:15)

The try dives cost £30 (Jan 2023) which includes entry to the LC and use of all the kit.

At the end you will be given a Try Dive certificate to proudly put on the wall

We also offer Group Try Dives for scouts, girl rangers etc. at discount rates (£20)

Book a Try Dive
  • What do you need to bring?
  • - Swimming kit.
  • - T-Shirt you don’t mind getting wet.
  • - A padlock for the leisure centre lockers (slightly bigger than a standard suitcase).
  • - Monies, cash / card / phone preferred although Bank Transfer to the club account is available.
  • - 60p cash or contactless for the multi-storey car park